"Globalisation, integration, cooperation" conference at the University of Szeged

We popularized the carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCU/S) technologies at another conference.

The Green Technology Readiness Research Group held a presentation at the "Globalisation, integration, cooperation - what is at stake in the current turbulent times?" conference organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of University of Szeged.

During the presentation on the international and Hungarian approach to CCU/S technologies, the problem definition, the CCU/S technologies and their relevance were discussed. The research group also presented their primary research on foreign studies investigating the possibilities of CCU/S solutions at national level. In addition, the results of the White Paper entitled "Carbon Dioxide Storage and Utilization (CCS/CCU) Options in Hungary", prepared under the auspices of the National Laboratory for Renewable Energy (NRLE), were disseminated as well.

The CCU/S White Paper is available at the following link: https://greennovation.hu/feherkonyv.pdf 

The extracts of the CCU/S White Paper can be read:

- in Hungarian: https://greennovation.hu/feherkonyv-kivonat.pdf

- in English: https://greennovation.hu/whitepaper.pdf