Kautz Conference at Széchenyi István University

The Green Technology Readiness Research Group took part in a conference focusing on turning global challenges into opportunities

The Kautz Conference was held at the Széchenyi István University in Győr between October 10 and 12. The event put the focus on economic development in the current uncertain and technology-driven business environment. The conference provided an excellent opportunity to build relationships, as researchers from 21 countries from 4 continents attended. The 230 participants presented their work during 170 presentations, and discussed the challenges of the changing global business and economic environment, as well as their possible solutions, with particular regard to sustainability. The participants had the opportunity to attend, among others, Jessica Lichy's presentation, who reported on her research on Social Tech: how different technologies can contribute to solving social problems.

Two researchers from our research group prepared for the conference with one presentation each: they hold presentations for the audience on the challenges of the techno-economic analysis of carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage (CCU/S) technologies and the aspects of relationship management for the governance of them.

Source of news and picture: https://admissions.sze.hu/researchers-from-21-countries-gather-at-sze-s-kautz-conference-on-business-and-economics