Workshop presenting the CCU/S White Paper

We organize a book presentation event: showcasing the CCU/S White Paper and holding a roundtable discussion.

On the 9th September, we will present the completed White Paper entitled "Carbon Dioxide Storage and Utilization (CCS/CCU) Options in Hungary" prepared in the project of the National Laboratory for Renewable Energy (Megújuló Energiák Nemzeti Laboratórium, MENL). The event will be held with the participation of Csaba Lantos, Minister of energy, Daniella Deli, Deputy State Secretary responsible for climate policy and László Bódis, Deputy State Secretary responsible for innovation.

Within the framework of the workshop, we will hold a roundtable discussion involving the key stakeholders and the largest domestic CO2 emitters, and talk about the current situation and the expected future of CCU/S (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage), as well as comments about the White Paper.

Among the participants of the event, there will be policy makers, highest-level university leaders, representatives of the largest national CO2 emitter companies and leading researchers of the MENL project.