Summary of the research group’s field of study
CO2 activation and in-situ techniques
CO2 activation with H2 or CH4 are performed in flow reactors towards fuels. In-situ techniques such as DRIFTS, NAP-XPS as well as synchroton-based techniques (EXAFS, GISAXS) are used for molecular level understanding of the reactions for improving catalytic activity and selectivity.
Flue Gas Treatment
Combustion sector is responsible for 50% of the life threatening air pollution. We have solutions based on ceramic-supported noble-metal free techniques for exhaust system cleaning of road and non-road moving machines as well as for wood burned fire places.
Further Related Research Topics:
- Size controlled Nanoparticles & 3D mesoporous oxide supports in Surface Chemical Processes
- Battery researches
- Photocatalytic CO2 activation and Water treatment
he most important scientific results of the research group
Tuning the size of the particles as well as the oxide/metal interfaces high activity and selectivity processes are favorable. NAP-XPS as well as DRIFTS techniques helped for molecular level understanding of the processes for future catalysts design. I will show plenty of results on the field of nanocatalysis and CO2 activation reactions towards a new sight into green catalysis.
Based on the atomic level understanding, industrial application was approached in a form of cheap, noble metal-free catalysts pressed into proper forms used for pilot-scale exhaust system upgrading of fuel engines or wooden-heated ovens will be introduced as well as results on high pressure CO2 activation towards C5+ fuel products. Results were nominated by several Prices (Paál Zoltán Price, SZAB Innovation Price, SzTE Innovation Price etc.)

Results of the last 1 year
100 quality publications in the field of hydrogen production, carbon dioxide activation, flue gas treatment. In successful domestic projects, technologies implemented with industry can be connected to the group. The development of high-efficiency catalysts for the production of fuel from carbon dioxide, the development of flue gas treatment catalysts and the “magic bricks” can also be linked to the group.
The 5 most important publications of the research group
- A. Efremova, I. Szenti, J. Kiss, Á. Szamosvölgyi, A. Sápi, K. Baán, L. Olivi, G. Varga, Z. Fogarassy, B. Pécz, Á. Kukovecz, and Z. Kónya, “NATURE of the Pt-COBALT-OXIDE SURFACE INTERACTION AND ITS ROLE IN the CO2 METHANATION,” APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 571, 2022.
A. Efremova, T. Rajkumar, Á. Szamosvölgyi, A. Sápi, K. Baán, I. Szenti, J. Gómez-Pérez, G. Varga, J. Kiss, G. Halasi, Á. Kukovecz, and Z. Kónya, “Complexity of a Co3O4 System under Ambient-Pressure CO2 Methanation: Influence of Bulk and Surface Properties on the Catalytic Performance,” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, vol. 125, no. 13, pp. 7130–7141, 2021.
S. Kim, G. Varga, M. Seo, A. Sápi, V. Rácz, J. F. Gómez-Pérez, D. Sebők, J. Lee, Á. Kukovecz, and Z. Kónya, “Nesting Well-Defined Pt Nanoparticles within a Hierarchically Porous Polymer as a Heterogeneous Suzuki–Miyaura Catalyst,” ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 4070–4076, 2021.
G. Varga, A. Sápi, T. Varga, K. Baán, I. Szenti, G. Halasi, R. Mucsi, L. Óvári, J. Kiss, Z. Fogarassy, B. Pécz, Á. Kukovecz, and Z. Kónya, “Ambient pressure CO2 hydrogenation over a cobalt/manganese-oxide nanostructured interface,” JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, vol. 386, pp. 70–80, 2020.
A. Sápi, T. Rajkumar, M. Ábel, A. Efremova, A. Grósz, A. Gyuris, K. B. Ábrahámné, I. Szenti, J. Kiss, T. Varga, Á. Kukovecz, and Z. Kónya, “Noble-metal-free and Pt nanoparticles-loaded, mesoporous oxides as efficient catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation and dry reforming with methane,” JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, vol. 32, pp. 106–118, 2019.
Head of the research group: Dr. habil. András Sápi

The most important tools
- Several Continuous flow reactor equipped with GCs for the study of gaseous reactions (CO2 activation, H2 production, CO oxidation, etc.) for both ambient and high pressure measurements
- Testo 350 2 * 6 channel flue gas analyzer (before / after simultaneous measurement function)
- in-situ Raman, DRIFTS, XPS measurements under low and high pressure reaction conditions
- Digatron 300-600 Battery charger and tester (2 * 80 kW, 600 V, 400 A) for simultaneous measurement of 300 battery cells, resp. for high energy measurements
The most important figures connected to the research fields

Industrial partners
- Wamsler Kft,
- Piandtech Kft.,
- OKFT Kft.,
- Eclipse Kft.,
- HK-Ceram Kft.,
- Bodrogi Bau Kft.,
Contact the research group leader on the following e-mail address: