Energy innovation test station II.

Happening at the SZTE Science Park!

The new container has arrived, and it will be used to test a Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technology: the different processes for the production of synthetic e-fuels.

Synthetic fuels that are produced by using carbon dioxide from sustainable sources and hydrogen made with renewable energy are called e-fuels.

The reactors of the newly arrived unit will produce liquid synthetic e-fuel from e-hydrogen made from water and carbon monoxide made from carbon dioxide by the containers mentioned in our previous post ( According to the planned operation campaign, the production of e-gasoline will start in April.

The goal of the project, happening in the cooperation of the National Laboratory of Renewable Energies (NLRE), the Audi and the Energy Park of Bükkábrány, is to test the procedures experimented in laboratory in an environment close to industrial conditions, since this step is crucial for the commercialization of the technology.

In the framework of the interdisciplinary project, i.e. relating to several disciplines, in addition to the technological side, the economic and legal background of CCU technologies is also being researched, which is necessary for the successful spread of the technology.

The entire article in Hungarian is available in the following link: