The research group studies a wide variety of social aspects connected to green technologies with the main focus on economics and law. As it seems, assigning social science topics to technical and natural science innovations is more and more important from the point of view of their successful spread. The world’s leading radical innovators implement socio-technical integrations with the aim of supporting their R+D+I processes with social science aspects with success.
Our research group studies the novelty level of green technologies, the legal protection/defense framework and intellectual property right strategy that can be assigned to the given novelty level, detects the stakeholders, manages their reach and involvement, conducts techno-economic analysis, surveys the social acceptance of these technologies, analyzes the pattern of the legal framework of science to business relation and its effectiveness, phrases suggestions for models to be applied, examines and scans the EU regulations connected to environmental and energy law – all of the above is conducted with taking responsible innovation into consideration, as a horizontal aspect.
The most important scientific results of the research group
The research group is newly founded with the special aim of studying the social aspects of green technologies, so the scientific results are demonstrated through presenting the previous work of our researchers connected to this area.
- Socio-technical integration: an important result in this field is the adaptation of the so-called STIR (Socio-Technical Integration) methodology to the post-soviet innovation environment, which contributed to the development of an innovation process management methodology that successfully integrates social scientific aspects into the technical-natural scientific R+D+I processes.
- Responsible innovation: an important result in this field is the adaptation of the concept system of the topic into the national framework, its practical interpretation, and completion with economic considerations.
- Technology acceptance: an important result in this field is phrasing additions to the internationally recognized main stream models of technology acceptance (TAM, UTAUT) with physiological-biological measurements, thus developing and testing a new methodology.
Intellectual property right protection: we contributed to the proper private law evaluation of the know-how and the business secret, foresaw the regulations of the V. law from 2013 about the Civil Code (in force since 15th March 2014), and supported its current interpretation. - Rights relating to the personality: we demonstrated the economic values of their components, their negotiability and transferability as components of rights relating to the personality manifested in the outside world. This perception on the one hand, dogmatically confirmed the transferability of business secrets and the know-how based on the regulation of these rights, in force between 15th March 2014 and 7th August 2018; and on the other hand, ensured adequate legal basis for the regulation of the business secret/know-how as negotiable intellectual property rights.
- Science-to-business: analyzing the possible contractual frames of cooperations between the university and industry, we detected viewpoints and models that confirm revising the regulation model of the Civil Code with regards to research contracts.
Innovation relations of the industry and the university: we detected the less efficient supporting effect of the then applicable legal framework on innovation, we demonstrated and analyzed that model in details, the application of which can promote the creation of intellectual property, and guarantee that both the participants of the research and those concerned with utilization can realize their intentions. - EU environmental law: we pointed out significant challenges from the perspective of the member states and the European Union, including difficulties in connection with those strategies that aim the maintenance of biological diversity and the realization of a climate neutral continent. We foresaw that the international environmental regulations will be included in the EU law in new areas, like ecocide. We drew the attention to the deficiencies of environmental regulation in the EU, with special attention paid to the full implementation of the Aarhus Convention. Close cooperation of the member states in environmental and energy policy is necessary for realizing the objectives of the Green Deal, that defines the supportive and innovation framework of the EU.
- Energy law of the EU: we pointed out the enhanced oppositions among the member states concerning the nuclear energy in the debate about clean energy sources, the question of radioactive waste generated in nuclear energy production, the novelties and challenges arising in legal regulations.
Results of the last 1 year
The research group is newly founded with the special aim of studying the social aspects of green technologies, so the scientific results are demonstrated through presenting the previous work of our researchers connected to this area.
The majority of green technologies are emerging technologies that flatter with promising solutions, and in the same time are encompassed by many open questions due to their significant novelty level. A considerable part of uncertainties comes from the direction of the society, so providing answers as comforting as possible for them can contribute to the success of the given technology. Responding to this challenge, our aim is to implement socio-technical integrations that are able to support the R+D+I processes with social scientific aspects. Another challenge is integrating the green technologies into IPR processes, since their novelty level necessitates rethinking the existing protection right models and promoting its adaptation process. We need to explore that legal framework which can support the realization of that objective we wish to achieve by applying green technologies, with relation to the research facilities and the industry. Moreover, we need to define how these areas can be in accordance with the environmental laws of the EU.
Lukovics M. – Nagy B. (2021): A felelősségteljes innováció és a gazdasági racionalitás kapcsolatrendszere vállalati környezetben. Közgazdasági szemle, 3, 421—436. o.
Lukovics, M. - Flipse, S. M. - Udvari, B. - Fisher, E. (2017): Responsible research and innovation in contrasting innovation environments: Socio-Technical Integration Research in Hungary and the Netherlands. Technology in Society, 51C, pp. 172-182
Gombos Katalin – Sziebig Orsolya Johanna: Az európai uniós környezetvédelmi szabályozás legújabb irányai. Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 2021, 176 p.
The 5 most important publications of the research group
- Lukovics, M. – Nagy, B – Buzás, N. (2019): Understanding the Economic Principles of Responsible Research and Innovation. In von Schomberg, R. – Hankins, J. (eds.): International Handbook of Responsible Innovation – a Global Resource. Edward Elgar Publishing. 134-149.o. DOI:
- Lukovics M. – Udvari, B – Nádas, N. – Fisher, E. (2019): Raising Awareness of Researchers-in-the-Making towards Responsible Research and Innovation. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. 10(4), 1558-1577. o.
- Lukovics, M. - Flipse, S. M. - Udvari, B. - Fisher, E. (2017): Responsible research and innovation in contrasting innovation environments: Socio-Technical Integration Research in Hungary and the Netherlands. Technology in Society, 51C, pp. 172-182
- Görög Márta (2012): A know-how jogi védelmének alapvető kérdései. HVG-ORAC, Budapest, 192. p.
- Görög Márta (2018): Tanulhatunk-e az ipar-egyetem együttműködés Bayh-Dole Act modelljéből? In: Görög, Márta – Mezei, Péter (szerk.): A szellemi tulajdonvédelem és a szabadkereskedelem aktuális kérdései, Iurisperitus Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 92-103.
- Gombos Katalin – Sziebig Orsolya Johanna (2021): Az európai uniós környezetvédelmi szabályozás legújabb irányai. Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 176 p.
Heads of the research group

The practical aspects of today’s hottest technological novelties stand in the focus of Miklós Lukovics’s interest. The total number of his scientific publications is 157 (54 of them are in English), 720 references have been made to his work, his H-index is 16.

Contact the research group leader on the following e-mail address: